HTML5, CSS3 & JS Experiments

By Martin Ivanov

Last.FM Music Album Widget

AcidJs.XCDInfo is a HTML5 web component, able to display music album data - track listing, cover art, tags and info from Last.Fm's REST API, and is ready to use as a simple HTML tag:

    artist="Joe Satriani" 
    album="Unstoppable Momentum"


Full Display Mode

Compact Display Mode

Minimal Display Mode

Register Mozilla's X-Tags

You need to do this just once, and add the directive either in the <head /> section or before the closing <body /> tag of the page.

<script src="AcidJs.XCDInfo/lib/x-tag-components.js"></script>

Register the Component on the Page via HTML5 @import

You need to do this just once, and add the directive either in the <head /> section or before the closing <body /> tag of the page.

<link rel="import" href="AcidJs.XCDInfo/classes/XCDInfo.html" />

HTML Attributes

Check the blogpost or the documentation in the distrubution file (the download link is at the top of the page).

JavaScript API: Methods, Getters and Setters

Check the blogpost or the documentation in the distrubution file (the download link is at the top of the page).

Error Messages

If album or artist data is not found, or Last.FM API key is incorrect, <acidjs-xcdinfo></acidjs-xcdinfo> displays an error like:

Usage and Code Insight

<h4>Full Display Mode</h4>

<acidjs-xcdinfo artist="Steve Vai" album="Passion and Warfare"></acidjs-xcdinfo>
<acidjs-xcdinfo artist="Joe Satriani" album="Joe Satriani"></acidjs-xcdinfo>
<acidjs-xcdinfo artist="Death" mode="full" album="symbolic"></acidjs-xcdinfo>
<acidjs-xcdinfo artist="Slayer" mode="full" album="South of Heaven"></acidjs-xcdinfo>

<h4>Compact Display Mode</h4>

<acidjs-xcdinfo artist="Asia" mode="compact" album="Asia"></acidjs-xcdinfo>
<br />
<acidjs-xcdinfo artist="Animals as Leaders" mode="compact" album="Animals as Leaders"></acidjs-xcdinfo>
<br />
<acidjs-xcdinfo artist="Alice Cooper" mode="compact" album="Trash"></acidjs-xcdinfo>
<br />
<acidjs-xcdinfo artist="Sepultura" mode="compact" album="Arise"></acidjs-xcdinfo>

<h3>Minimal Display Mode</h3>

<acidjs-xcdinfo mode="minimal" artist="Cannibal Corpse" album="Butchered at Birth"></acidjs-xcdinfo>
<acidjs-xcdinfo mode="minimal" artist="Sodom" album="Tapping the Vein"></acidjs-xcdinfo>
<acidjs-xcdinfo mode="minimal" artist="Slayer" album="Reign in Blood"></acidjs-xcdinfo>
<acidjs-xcdinfo mode="minimal" artist="Slayer" album="South of Heaven"></acidjs-xcdinfo>
 * X-Overlay Web Component by Martin Ivanov (@wemakesitesnet)
 * More info regarding this exciting new technology:,,
 * @author Martin Ivanov
 * @url developer website:
 * @url developer twitter:!/wemakesitesnet
 * @url developer blog

acidjs-xcdinfo *,
acidjs-xcdinfo *::before,
acidjs-xcdinfo *::after
    margin: 0;
    border: 0;
    padding: 0;
    list-style: none;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
    font-variant: normal;
    -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
    -ms-box-sizing: border-box;
    -o-box-sizing: border-box;
    box-sizing: border-box;

acidjs-xcdinfo > div,
acidjs-xcdinfo .acidjs-xcdinfo-cover-art a,
acidjs-xcdinfo[mode="minimal"] > div > div,
acidjs-xcdinfo .acidjs-xcdinfo-cover-art a > span,
acidjs-xcdinfo > div > .acidjs-xcdinfo-info-box:not(:nth-child(1))::before
    width: 100%;

acidjs-xcdinfo a,
acidjs-xcdinfo > div p,
acidjs-xcdinfo .acidjs-xcdinfo-cover-art a > span
    color: #fff;

acidjs-xcdinfo .acidjs-xcdinfo-cover-art a,
acidjs-xcdinfo .acidjs-xcdinfo-cover-art a > span,
acidjs-xcdinfo > div > .acidjs-xcdinfo-info-box:not(:nth-child(1))::before
    position: absolute;

acidjs-xcdinfo > div > div
    vertical-align: top;

.acidjs-xcdinfo-tags li
    display: inline-block;  

acidjs-xcdinfo > div > div,
acidjs-xcdinfo > div > .acidjs-xcdinfo-info-box:not(:nth-child(1))
    position: relative;

acidjs-xcdinfo .acidjs-xcdinfo-cover-art a,
acidjs-xcdinfo > div > .acidjs-xcdinfo-info-box:not(:nth-child(1))::before
    top: 0;
    height: 100%;

acidjs-xcdinfo div p,
acidjs-xcdinfo[mode="full"] ol
    -webkit-column-count: 2;
    -moz-column-count: 2;
    column-count: 2;

    font-family: Oswald, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif;
    font-size: 1em;
    cursor: default;
    background: #000;

acidjs-xcdinfo > div
    display: table;
    border-collapse: collapse;

acidjs-xcdinfo > div > div
    display: table-cell;
    vertical-align: middle;
    width: 33.3333%;

acidjs-xcdinfo .acidjs-xcdinfo-cover-art a span
    display: block;

acidjs-xcdinfo .acidjs-xcdinfo-cover-art a > span
    bottom: 0;
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .75);

acidjs-xcdinfo .acidjs-xcdinfo-cover-art a > span span
    padding: 4px;
    white-space: nowrap;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    overflow: hidden;

acidjs-xcdinfo .acidjs-xcdinfo-cover-art a > span span:first-child
    font-size: 1.3em;

acidjs-xcdinfo > div > .acidjs-xcdinfo-info-box
    background-size: cover;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: center;

acidjs-xcdinfo > div > .acidjs-xcdinfo-info-box:not(:nth-child(1))
    font-size: .8em;
    filter: url("grayscale.svg#grayscale");
    -webkit-filter: grayscale(1);

acidjs-xcdinfo > div > .acidjs-xcdinfo-info-box > div
    padding: 16px;

acidjs-xcdinfo > div > .acidjs-xcdinfo-info-box:not(:nth-child(1))::before
    content: "";
    z-index: -1;
    left: 0;
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);
    background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, .5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 1));

acidjs-xcdinfo > div > .acidjs-xcdinfo-extra-info::before
    transform: scale(-1, 1);

acidjs-xcdinfo > p
    padding: 8px;
    text-align: center;
    color: #f00;

acidjs-xcdinfo ol li
    padding: 2px 0;
    list-style: decimal-leading-zero inside;

    padding: 1em 0 0;

.acidjs-xcdinfo-tags li:not(:last-child)::after
    content: ",\00A0";

acidjs-xcdinfo div p
    text-align: justify;

    margin: 6px 0;
    max-width: 900px;

acidjs-xcdinfo[mode="full"] > div > div
    height: 300px;

    margin: 4px 0;
    max-width: 348px;

acidjs-xcdinfo[mode="compact"] > div > div
    width: 50%;
    height: 174px;

    margin: 2px 0;
    width: 64px;

acidjs-xcdinfo[mode="minimal"] > div > div
    height: 64px;

acidjs-xcdinfo[mode="minimal"] a span,
acidjs-xcdinfo[mode="minimal"] .acidjs-xcdinfo-extra-info,
acidjs-xcdinfo[mode="minimal"] .acidjs-xcdinfo-track-listing,
acidjs-xcdinfo[mode="compact"] .acidjs-xcdinfo-extra-info
    display: none;

@media all and (-ms-high-contrast:none)
    acidjs-xcdinfo .acidjs-xcdinfo-cover-art a
        display: none;
    acidjs-xcdinfo .acidjs-xcdinfo-extra-info,
    acidjs-xcdinfo .acidjs-xcdinfo-track-listing
        background: none !important;

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