Tic-Tac-Toe Game
X-TicTacToe is a recreation of the classic game in HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, wrapped as a custom HTML5 Web Component.
<acidjs-xticatactoe x="Martin" o="James"></acidjs-xticatactoe> <acidjs-xticatactoe debug="true" size="large"></acidjs-xticatactoe> <acidjs-xticatactoe size="small"></acidjs-xticatactoe> <acidjs-xticatactoe debug="true"> <code hidden> { "yourTurn": "du bist dran!", "startNewGame": "Neues Spiel starten", "start": "Start!", "playerXName": "Spieler X Name", "playerOName": "Spieler O Name", "choosePlayerXName": "Wählen Sie Name für Spieler X", "choosePlayerOName": "Wählen Sie Name für Spieler O", "youWin": "Sie gewinnen!", "draw": "Unentschieden :(" } </code> </acidjs-xticatactoe>
Size: Medium (default)
With custom x
and o
names set as component attributes.
Size: Large
In debug mode (debug
attribute set to true
If debug="true"
the component outputs debug
messages in browser's console.
Size: Small
With default values for x
and o
This one overrides the default lang
keys with custom keys in German, set in the tag.
"yourTurn": "du bist dran!",
"startNewGame": "Neues Spiel starten",
"start": "Start!",
"playerXName": "Spieler X Name",
"playerOName": "Spieler O Name",
"choosePlayerXName": "Wählen Sie Name für Spieler X",
"choosePlayerOName": "Wählen Sie Name für Spieler O",
"youWin": "Sie gewinnen!",
"draw": "Unentschieden :("
Register Mozilla's X-Tags
You need to do this just once, and add the directive either in the <head />
section or before the closing <body />
tag of the page.
<script src="AcidJs.XReader/lib/x-tag-components.js"></script>
Register the Component on the Page via HTML5 @import
You need to do this just once, and add the directive either in the <head />
section or before the closing <body />
tag of the page.
<link rel="import" href="AcidJs.XTicTacToe/classes/XTicTacToe.html" />
Usage and Code Insight
<h4>Size: Medium (default)</h4> <p>With custom <code>x</code> and <code>o</code> names set as component attributes.</p> <acidjs-xticatactoe x="Martin" o="James"></acidjs-xticatactoe> <br /><br /> <h4>Size: Large</h4> <p>In debug mode (<code>debug</code> attribute set to <code>true</code>). If <code>debug="true"</code> the component outputs debug messages in browser's console.</p> <acidjs-xticatactoe debug="true" size="large"></acidjs-xticatactoe> <br /><br /> <h4>Size: Small</h4> <p>With default values for <code>x</code> and <code>o</code> names.</p> <acidjs-xticatactoe size="small"></acidjs-xticatactoe> <br /><br /> <h4>Localized</h4> <p>This one overrides the default <code>lang</code> keys with custom keys in German, set in the tag.</p> <acidjs-xticatactoe debug="true"> <code hidden> { "yourTurn": "du bist dran!", "startNewGame": "Neues Spiel starten", "start": "Start!", "playerXName": "Spieler X Name", "playerOName": "Spieler O Name", "choosePlayerXName": "Wählen Sie Name für Spieler X", "choosePlayerOName": "Wählen Sie Name für Spieler O", "youWin": "Sie gewinnen!", "draw": "Unentschieden :(" } </code> </acidjs-xticatactoe> <br /><br />
/* * X-TicTacToe HTML5 Web Component by Martin Ivanov (@wemakesitesnet) * More info regarding this exciting new technology: http://webcomponents.org/, http://www.x-tags.org/, http://www.polymer-project.org/ * @author Martin Ivanov * @url developer website: http://wemakesites.net/ * @url developer twitter: https://twitter.com/wemakesitesnet * @url developer blog http://martinivanov.net **/ /* * USAGE: * 1. If you are planning to use this component for a personal project, please retain the credits in the code. Donation (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=QFUHPWJB2JDBS), however is highly appreciated. * 2. If you will use it on a live website, donation (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=QFUHPWJB2JDBS) is required. **/ acidjs-xticatactoe * { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; outline: 0; list-style: none; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 100%; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } /* Firefox button reset styles cannot be combinet in a single rule */ acidjs-xticatactoe button:-moz-focus-inner { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; outline: 0; } acidjs-xticatactoe button::-moz-focus-inner { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; outline: 0; } /* placeholder cannot be combinet in a single rule */ acidjs-xticatactoe ::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .85); } acidjs-xticatactoe :-moz-placeholder { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .85); } acidjs-xticatactoe ::-moz-placeholder { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .85); } acidjs-xticatactoe :-ms-input-placeholder { color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .85); } acidjs-xticatactoe button, acidjs-xticatactoe input[type="text"], acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board span::before { display: block; } acidjs-xticatactoe, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board span, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-lobby ul { display: inline-block; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-lobby, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board span, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-game-controls { text-align: center; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board li:nth-child(1) span, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board li:nth-child(2) span, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board li:nth-child(3) span { border-top: 0; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board li:nth-child(7) span, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board li:nth-child(8) span, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board li:nth-child(9) span { border-bottom: 0; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board li:nth-child(1) span, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board li:nth-child(4) span, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board li:nth-child(7) span { border-left: 0; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board li:nth-child(3) span, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board li:nth-child(6) span, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board li:nth-child(9) span { border-right: 0; } acidjs-xticatactoe[stage="game-over"] .acidjs-xticatactoe-board, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board input:disabled + span { -webkit-pointer-events: none; -moz-pointer-events: none; pointer-events: none; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-lobby, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board input { position: absolute; } acidjs-xticatactoe, acidjs-xticatactoe row > * { vertical-align: middle; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-lobby + grid, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board span::before { opacity: 0; } acidjs-xticatactoe button, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board span { cursor: pointer; } acidjs-xticatactoe form[data-player="x"] h4 span:first-child, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board input:checked + span::before { color: #ff1d77; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-lobby[hidden] + grid, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board input:checked + span::before { opacity: 1; } acidjs-xticatactoe form[data-player="o"] h4 span:first-child, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board input[data-player="o"]:checked + span::before { color: #77b900; } acidjs-xticatactoe button, acidjs-xticatactoe input[type="text"] { color: #fff; } acidjs-xticatactoe button, acidjs-xticatactoe input[type="text"] { font-family: inherit; font-size: 1em; } acidjs-xticatactoe button, acidjs-xticatactoe row > * { padding: .5em; } acidjs-xticatactoe button, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-lobby { width: 100%; } acidjs-xticatactoe h4, acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-lobby li { margin: .5em 0; } acidjs-xticatactoe { font-family: "Comic Sans MS", cursive; font-size: 16px; background: #fafafa; cursor: default; } acidjs-xticatactoe[size="small"] { font-size: 12px; } acidjs-xticatactoe[size="large"] { font-size: 32px; } acidjs-xticatactoe [hidden] { display: none; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board { margin: auto; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board li { float: left; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board li:nth-child(3n + 1) { clear: both; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board input { clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0); } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board span { border: solid 2px #666; width: 3em; height: 3em; line-height: 3em; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board span::before { content: "X"; color: transparent; transform: scale(0); transition: all .25s ease-in-out; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board input[data-player="o"] + span::before { content: "O"; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board input:checked + span::before { font-size: 1.5em; transform: scale(2.25); } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-board-win { color: #fe7c22; } acidjs-xticatactoe form { position: relative; border: solid 1px #666; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-lobby { z-index: 5; top: 0; left: 0; height: 100%; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .75); } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-lobby + grid { transition: opacity .5s ease-in-out; } acidjs-xticatactoe input[type="text"] { width: 20em; padding: 0 .25em; background: #ff1d77; line-height: 2em; } acidjs-xticatactoe .acidjs-xticatactoe-lobby ul { margin: 1em 0 0; } acidjs-xticatactoe button { background: #77b900; } acidjs-xticatactoe grid { display: table; border-collapse: collapse; } acidjs-xticatactoe row { display: table-row; } acidjs-xticatactoe row > * { display: table-cell; max-width: 11em; min-width: 11em; } acidjs-xticatactoe h4 { color: #666; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.25em; }