API for TinyURL
Open your browsers's console and reload the page to see the class in action.
Register the Class
<script src="AcidJs.Shortener/js/jQuery.js"></script> <script src="AcidJs.Shortener/js/Shortener.js"></script>
Usage and Code Insight
(function() { var config = { "http://wemakesites.net": "http://tinyurl.com/2cv6wrm", "http://acidjs.wemakesites.net/": "http://tinyurl.com/bonbupy", "http://acidmartin.wordpress.com": "http://tinyurl.com/clvk2v8" }; window.shortener = new AcidJs.Shortener(config); window.shortener.get("http://stickeez.wemakesites.net", function(url) { window.console.log(url); }); })();
/* * Shortener * JavaScript API for TinyURL * developer's website: http://wemakesites.net/#!/web-dev * developer's twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/wemakesitesnet * developer's blog http://acidmartin.wordpress.com/ **/ (function() { "use strict"; /* * @namespace window.AcidJs **/ if(undefined === window.AcidJs) { window.AcidJs = {}; } /* * @constructor * @param urls (Object) set a predefined key-value pairs of urls/shorturls * { * "url": "shorturl" * } **/ function Shortener(urls) { this.urls = urls || {}; } Shortener.prototype = { /* * @member APIS (Object) * @public **/ APIS: { tinyurl: "http://tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url=" }, /* * @method get * @public * @param longUrl (String) URL that should be shortened * @param callback (Function) [optional] callback that will be executed after the URL has been processed * @param apiToUse (String) [optional] which shortening service should be used (default is "tinyurl") **/ get: function(longUrl, callback, apiToUse) { var that = this, service = apiToUse ? this.APIS[apiToUse] : this.APIS.tinyurl; if(this.urls[longUrl]) { if(callback) { callback.call(this, this.urls[longUrl]); return; } } $.when($.ajax({ url: "pages/javascript-api-for-tinyurl/example/AcidJs.Shortener/php/Shortener.php", data: "url=" + window.encodeURIComponent(longUrl) + "&service=" + window.encodeURIComponent(service), dataType: "json" })).then(function(rsp){ that.set(longUrl, rsp[longUrl], callback); }); }, /* * @method set cache the short url in the urls object and reuse it from the DOM storage if requested again * @private * @param key (String) original expanded URL * @param value (String) shortened url * @param callback (Function) [optional] execute the callback, if set in the get() method **/ set: function(key, value, callback) { this.urls[key] = value; if(callback) { callback.call(this, this.urls[key]); } } }; window.AcidJs.Shortener = Shortener; })();
<?php header('Content-type: text/json'); ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); $url = $_REQUEST['url']; $service = $_REQUEST['service']; if($url && $service) { $tinyurl = file_get_contents($service.$url); echo '{"'.$url.'":"'.$tinyurl.'"}'; } ?>